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Re: Take VLAN usage as WG document?

On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 01:17:11PM +0000, Tim Chown wrote:
> We are working on a separate draft on addressing plans for end sites,
> from experiences in 6NET.   I don't think we want to cloud the "how you
> deploy dual stack via a parallel infrastructure" issue with "how you 
> address the IPv6 network".    So I would prefer to keep the two as
> separate texts.
> We expect to release a first draft in 2-3 weeks.   Input is welcome; we
> have three authors to date.

So I am looking forward to see that document. From my perspective, this
addressing plan document might be more important than the other one.
Right now, we use several internal tunnels for non-technical reasons,
so we do not follow <draft-chown-v6ops-vlan-usage-02>, even though we
considered the same ideas. But we like to implement an addressing plan 
which is flexible and allows us to gradually transition easily towards 
native v6 support within the network without much pain.

Personally, I have no strong opinion whether you want to go for many
clearly focussed short documents that cross-reference each other or 
a more monolythic bible which covers all the important things in one 


Juergen Schoenwaelder		    International University Bremen
<http://www.eecs.iu-bremen.de/>	    P.O. Box 750 561, 28725 Bremen, Germany