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Re: WG last call on NAT-PT to Experimental

On Mar 14, 2005, at 5:54 AM, Rémi Després wrote:
The PROPOSAL then is that,  after NAT-PT has been deprecated to
experimental, some work  on v6-to-v4 translation MAYcontinue.

My question is "what is hard about that".

Any translator has all the issues of NAT, and is *not* going to try to insert units of 12 bytes into application data, or making IPSEC work. Therefore, this doesn't begin to work for any application that has a hard time traversing a v4-v4 NAT.

Having limited ourselves to those applications for which it works without changing application data, there are four requirements:
- that DNS be made to work (the far device is only advertising an A or MX record; we need to set up relevant state and advertise a AAAA record referencing the translator)
- that the assigned IPv6 address correlate with the IPv4 address+port in question (let me think hard, I'll bet the IPv4 address+port get embedded in the IPv6 address)
- that the router not be required to re-assemble datagrams (use Path MTU, MSS modification, etc to effect this)
- TCP/UDP/SCTP works (adjust the transport checksum appropriately)

I'm not opposed to necessary work being done, but I'm not so sure what work needs to *be* done. We seem to have a lot of transition efforts around, but there must be a way to bring them together into a single simple solution. Bring us that one simple path, and then we'll talk.