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Re: IPv6 security somewhat imperfect

On Sat, 2005-03-19 at 09:12 -0800, Baker Fred wrote:
>We're wandering a bit far afield from the original thread, so I changed 
>the thread subject.
>Here's another one. Viruses today scan one's address book and do 
>interesting things. Imagine a virus that scans the SMTP headers on your 
>incoming mail and learns the names (which will translate to a current 
>address) and the address (the one that was in use at the time of the 
>transmission) of the MUAs and MTAs en route?
>If a virus can find one host on a remote LAN and infect it, that host 
>can do a link-local ping to all-hosts.

Or use Samba to find out all the hosts in that domain and all the
domains and thus all the hosts in a company, worldwide...
And of course many many many many other methods.

IP (both IPv4 and IPv6) are about addressing and making computers (and
other things :) able to talk to each other end-to-end.

IP is *not* about making computers *not* talk to each other.

That this indeed has the side effect that some malicious operations are
also able to talk, too bad -> use a firewall *and* configure that one
correctly, oh and of course don't forget to keep your OS + software up
to date ;)


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