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Re: draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-00.txt <PROXIES>

On Apr 4, 2005, at 1:52 PM, Pekka Savola wrote:
Using NATs, implicit or automatic proxies, etc. rips all of that away. Because of this, explicit proxies are the next best thing (ro the end-to-end communication) from the end-to-end perspective.

You won't get any argument from me. I'm looking at the houses up and down the street and asking what their occupants might think...

From my perspective, if the sum of this document is "you don't need no stinkin' NAT because if you just type enough highly technical gibberish into your whizbang thingie you can get something that accomplishes about the same thing", you lost before you started. My daughter will happily buy a NAT that plugs and for the most part plays.

What we need to come out of this document is a reasoned analysis of the issues in play, and a set of recommendations that will allow the likes of Linksys, Microsoft, etc to target their default configurations so that IPv6 products in fact plug and play, as opposed to mostly plugging and mostly playing. At the end of the day, you want IPv6 to be a solution that my daughter can adopt without knowing or caring and find simply works, as opposed t having the application limitations and so on that she presently enjoys (or doesn't).

So from my perspective, yes, this document wants to cover proxies. Not in detail, perhaps, but enough to say what works, what doesn't, and give advice on how to make them work well, or advice on how to protect them better than a NAT does.