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status of bb-deployment [Re: IEEE 802.16 access technology + IPv6 deployment

On Sun, 6 Nov 2005, Fred Baker wrote:
This is actually something we probably want to discuss breifly tomorrow. I'm told that DOCSIS has delayed its comments, and that a date has not been given. One way to look at that is "this document should wait for the DOCSIS comments and then be updated", which is where we came out in August; the other is that it is sufficient for DOCSIS 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 services. If the latter is true, then we may simply want to add a note saying as much, publish this, and plan on a revision when DOCSIS emits its update. I have not heard that the latter is false.

Back in August 2005, there was an offlist agreement (with chairs, authors, Alain, and Tony) as follows:

"1) Let them (Alain & Tony) to provide all the required inputs maximum until middle of October, so they have actually more time that they asked for.

2) With inputs or without them, the document will be ready from our side, and they will not object if they didn't provided the inputs (for example new architecture still not agreed, etc.). So by the cut-off date before the next IETF, will be moved forward to the next step.

3) If no inputs are available or a more complete thing is needed for DOCSIS 3.0, then a new document can be made specifically for that architecture."

It is no surprise that DOCSIS 3.0 might be delayed; that was expected already before the last IETF. Unless there is opposition to this from other members of the WG, we should IMHO move forward. We can't wait forever for input to come especially because we already agreed not to wait any longer. The document can easily be revised later on, or DOCSIS 3.0 can be described separately.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings