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RE: [RAM] Request to advance RFC4214 to Proposed Standard

FWIW, please note also that I am specifically intending to
equate the terms "MANET" and "site" (see also the definition
for "MANET" in the I-D listed below).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Templin, Fred L 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 3:05 PM
> To: Fred Baker; Brian E Carpenter; Ron Bonica; Jari Arkko
> Cc: v6ops@ops.ietf.org; Lindqvist Erik Kurt
> Subject: RE: [RAM] Request to advance RFC4214 to Proposed Standard
> Fred,
> Responding only to this one point for now:
> > In short, this  
> > is not just "an" approach to coexistence; if the IPv6 Operations  
> > Working Group is going to put its imprimatur on a technology, 
> > I would want to know that we were recommending the *right* one.
> What ISATAP is good for is providing a link for connecting dual-
> stack routers within Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs), as well as
> mechanisms for autoconfiguration and discovery of multiple Internet
> gateways. It is important to note that the term "MANET" could mean
> anything from mobile platforms (planes, trains and automobiles), to a
> home network, to a singleton node with an aribtarily-complex network
> of physical or virtual nodes within. For other examples, please see
> the thread on "Real-life Deploymnet of MANETs" on the MANET mailing
> list:
>   http://www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/manet/current/msg09029.html
> Informational aspects of the operation of ISATAP are documented
> in "MANET Autoconfiguration"; see:
> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-templin-autoconf-dhcp-07.txt
> but please note that this work (as well as ISATAP itself) derived
> from an earlier work titled: "Virtual Ethernet".
> Important point is that for the use-case of dual-stack routers
> communicating within a MANET, ISATAP already provides a mechanism
> that satisfies the needs of the IETF AUTOCONF wg and the so-called
> "MANEMO" interest group. Plus, it is shipping in major vendor OS's
> today.
> Thanks - Fred
> fred.l.templin@boeing.com 