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Re: how V6OPS arrived at the present consensus about firewalls

On Apr 19, 2007, at 02:29, Gert Doering wrote:

it's very well possible that these individuals have overlooked some of the implications that this might
bring with it.

I brought the issue to the attention of the authors of draft-ietf- v6ops-nap quite some time ago, and they assured the V6OPS group that this was not an oversight on their part, and that the consensus behind the recommendation is widely shared throughout the Internet engineering community. They noted that the draft has been the subject of intensive discussions for several years now, working group last call, IESG review, and is now in the RFC Editor Queue awaiting the start of its AUTH48 event.

I was initially offering my remarks in the context of what I mistakenly thought was be an editorial matter. If there is any technical controversy, it is *not* coming from me and never did. As I've explained elsewhere, I'm not in any position to mount a technical case for preserving end-to-end IPv6 connectivity, particularly considering the strength of the authorities lined up on the other side of that argument.

j h woodyatt <jhw@apple.com>