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Re: CPE equipments and stateful filters

Le lundi 30 juillet 2007, james woodyatt a écrit :
> I'm currently looking at source code in OpenBSD PF that appears
> designed to use IPv6-NAT to redirect application flows to userland
> proxies for exactly this purpose.  IPv6 support for an FTP
> "transparency helper" is on my list of things I expect to need, and
> using an IPv6 NAT to redirect FTP control flows in and out of my
> existing IPv4 FTP proxy looks like the obvious shortest path to
> working code.  (Similar things will need to be done with all the
> other major application protocols.)

As far as I know, EPSV is recommended against EPRT, so I fail to see a 
problem for that *particular* protocol. I understand many legacy FTP 
clients use PORT by default, but these cannot do IPv6 anyway.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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