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My believe is that either 'DHCP' OR 'RA' provides this exclusively and
not by both.
What if a host receives from both an announcement? (we could create
policies etc... however 
policies just complicates these aspects.).

Would central services not be best announced by a central capable


-----Original Message-----
From: Niall O'Reilly [mailto:Niall.oReilly@ucd.ie] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:27 AM
To: Gert Doering
Cc: Niall O'Reilly; Doug Barton; Gunter Van de Velde (gvandeve);
Subject: Re: [69ATTENDEES] DHCP

On 11 Sep 2007, at 20:30, Gert Doering wrote:

> I didn't want to re-open that discussion (just commented on the 
> document that comments were solicited for).  But the most important 
> argument for us is "RA is there anyway, why undergo the effort to set 
> up yet another service?".

	[ snip ]

	Especially _just_ for finding the DNS.

> Everbody's network varies,

	[ Heck, our network varies, too! 8-) ]

	Seriously though, I would see it as an unfortunate mistake to
	the view that the capabilities of RA and DHCP to provide
	data should be strictly disjoint.  The important point here is
	distinction between 'capability' and actual 'advertisement'.

	If DHCP is a 'natural' means to meet some service requirement,
it may
	be convenient to have it provide configuration data which might
	otherwise be provided by RA.  Implementors should take care to
	provide configuration options for both, as they will be needed
	order to allow netadmins the scope they need to exercise their
	and avoid conflicting advertisements.

	Best regards,

	Niall O'Reilly
	University College Dublin IT Services

	PGP key ID: AE995ED9 (see www.pgp.net)
	Fingerprint: 23DC C6DE 8874 2432 2BE0 3905 7987 E48D AE99 5ED9