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Re: The IPv4 Internet MTU

On Oct 12, 2007, at 07:23, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

It has to be in-band because the out-of-band method (ICMP) is filtered in a small but significant number of all cases. Unfortunately, UDP doesn't support options and inserting IPv6 option headers or IPv4 options will almost certainly trigger the same filtering that makes using ICMP problematic. So the only choice would be adding something to the next higher protocol on top of UDP.

I'd hate to be repetitive and boring, but I'm shocked-- SHOCKED! I say-- to learn that stateful packet filtering is the root cause of so many problems for application transport.

I have a radical proposal: how about we tell the stateful packet filter users that it's their own damned fault if their filters break their favorite applications, and that they can either fix their broken filters or they can turn them off? Since *when* has it been our job to reengineer the whole world because some idiot can't read the RFC series?

PMTUD for IPv4/UDP could work just fine through NAT if the state matching and translation code isn't totally broken. The problem we are discussing here is in the wetware of the coders who write the NAT and stateful packet filter implementations. It's their problem if applications don't work because their filters don't pass ICMP through for corresponding UDP state-- *not* ours.

Let's concentrate on the problems that belong to us.  That's what I say.

james woodyatt <jhw@apple.com>
member of technical staff, communications engineering