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Re: "DNS-4to6 automatic mapping" - No more DNS-ALGs & 6then4 DNSqueries

I know exactly what you said.

The use is, if I have some app that is generating reports or doing things
other than connecting to IPv6 addresses where returning IPv6 addresses
would be useful.

Don't presume the only thing dns resolution is for is to connect to the
addresses being resolved.

What if you want to debug the dns output of your dns server from a v4 only
node, but want to verify it's outputing v6 records?

By your semantics, you'd not see the v6 on a v4 only node.

I don't think this is right.
Todd Fries .. todd@fries.net

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Penned by R?mi Denis-Courmont on 20071129 20:19.56, we have:
| Le Thursday 29 November 2007 14:28:46 Todd T. Fries, vous avez ?crit?:
| > fails to query AAAA records unless the application explicitly requests it?
| >
| > How hard are we trying to make the transition?
| How hard are you trying to misrepresent my comment?
| I said *IF* there are no IPv6 addresses beyond loopback and link-local ones, 
| didn't I? What's the use of querying by *default* if we know IPv6 
| connectivity is absent?
| -- 
| R?mi Denis-Courmont
| http://www.remlab.net/