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Re: Compose using message-mail?

At Thu, 14 Jan 2010 14:52:38 -0500, David Abrahams wrote:

> Hm, something to look at, thanks.  I find the MIME stuff in WL much
> harder to use than Gnus'... although Gnus doesn't let you fetch
> partial messages, which is a liability.

I also found Wl&Co is a bit over-engineered in some places, but I
learned a couple of smart tricks from it :)

>  Here's my current list of questions:
> * Why does it automatically retrieve all the little pix in a message
>   containinig a bunch of pix, without asking first?

You can fix it :)

> * Why can't I see the jpg image in
>   [[...][this message]]?
> * Why are the jpg images not even separately accessible in
>   [[...][this message]]?

Not sure I understand you.

> * What are all [[info:mime-ui-en:enclosure%20tags][these]] multipart/*
>   options?

Guess, you're asking about what MIME specification tags are?

> * How can I get it to show me the multipart/related parts of
>   [[...][this message]]?
>   That's where the pictures are (embedded in HTML?)

w3m-emacs does it for you. I have no problems with html messages.

> * Why don't the pjpeg images
>   [[...][here]]
>   display inline automatically?
> * Why don't the jpeg images
>   [[...][here]] display inline automatically?

> * How can I get it not to insert mime cruft in replies?
>     e.g. [1  <text/plain; windows-1252 (quoted-printable)>]

You need this patch from more-wl: http://repo.or.cz/w/more-wl.git/commit/8593b7e3646a55d5f140599a81c8414e47dae342
And this one for SEMI (not upstream yet):

From: Vitaly Mayatskikh <v.mayatskih@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 10:58:33 +0200

Control visibility of mime buttons
Application can control visibility of mime buttons by setting
default-mime-button-invisible to t (invisible) or nil (mime
situation dependent).

diff --git a/mime-view.el b/mime-view.el
index ecbde85..e441fed 100644
--- a/mime-view.el
+++ b/mime-view.el
@@ -1091,9 +1091,10 @@ MEDIA-TYPE must be (TYPE . SUBTYPE), TYPE or t.  t means default."
 	(setq situation
 	      (mime-find-entity-preview-situation entity default-situation)))
     (let ((button-is-invisible
-	   (eq (cdr (or (assq '*entity-button situation)
-			(assq 'entity-button situation)))
-	       'invisible))
+	   (or (and (boundp 'default-mime-button-invisible) default-mime-button-invisible)
+	       (eq (cdr (or (assq '*entity-button situation)
+			    (assq 'entity-button situation)))
+		   'invisible)))
 	   (eq (cdr (or (assq '*header situation)
 			(assq 'header situation)))
@@ -1134,10 +1135,10 @@ MEDIA-TYPE must be (TYPE . SUBTYPE), TYPE or t.  t means default."
 	      (if (functionp body-presentation-method)
 		  (funcall body-presentation-method entity situation)
 		(mime-display-text/plain entity situation)))
-	  (when button-is-invisible
-	    (goto-char (point-max))
-	    (mime-view-insert-entity-button entity)
-	    )
+;; 	  (when button-is-invisible
+;; 	    (goto-char (point-max))
+;; 	    (mime-view-insert-entity-button entity)
+;; 	    )
 	  (unless header-is-visible
 	    (goto-char (point-max))
 	    (insert "\n"))

> * What is the mime-situation-examples-file supposed to contain?

I don't know.
wbr, Vitaly