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Re: reproducable hang with non-ascii characters in Wanderlust draft

>>>>> In [Wanderlust English : No.03502] Kazuhiro Ito wrote:
>> Could you provide the ChangeLog entry?  And also for the patch in:
>> X-ML-Name: Wanderlust English
>> X-Mail-Count: 03494

> Attached to this message.  Please be aware that the patch for
> mel-q-ccl.el assumes the bug of decoder for ccl coding system is fixed
> on Emacs 23.2.  And I think version (or facility) dependent branch had
> better to be judged by APEL, but I don't know much enough about APEL
> to change APEL's code.

Committed.  Thanks.  A temporary snapshot is now as:


I share with you as much as possible in the responsibility of
any fault the changes made.
