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Re: error while sending mail

>>>>> In [Wanderlust English : No.03053] Sebastian Hofer wrote:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
>   signal(wrong-type-argument (arrayp nil))
>   byte-code("<some stuff i cant post here>...)
>   wl-draft-send-mail-with-smtp()

In such a case where byte codes appear in a Lisp backtrace, load
the el file (not the elc file) that provides the function in
question, and you'll get more helpful information.  At the first,
type `C-]' to exit the recursive mode, load the wl-draft.el file,

M-x load-file RET wl-draft.el RET

, and try redoing the action that causes the error.  In that case
the file to load can be found in the result of the command:

C-h f wl-draft-send-mail-with-smtp RET

If you get another byte code in the second try, repeat loading
of el file(s) till no byte code gets appeared in a backtrace.
It may be smtpmail.el.