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Re: split an artificial thread

Many thanks! This seems to be the solution.

On 5 March 2010 15:07, Kazuhiro Ito <kzhr@d1.dion.ne.jp> wrote:
> Hi,
>> > How about M-w (wl-summary-save-current-message) and C-y
>> > (wl-summary-yank-saved-message)?
>> Thanks. I tried this in my inbox. Probably it would work if I had my
>> own original message in the inbox. Since I don't, I can only yank the
>> reply message on some arbitrary thread, which is not satisfactory.
> If you want to make a new thread with the message, M-w at the message
> and C-y at the end of summary buffer (i.e. the last blank line).
>> Besides, this way I will still miss some mail that gets sorted in a
>> wrong thread.
>> Also, if I refile the reply message from another folder to inbox, it
>> always gets attached to the thread with the same topic. Refiling does
>> not take into account that all the references inside the reply message
>> are different from those in the messages already in the thread.
> If you want to disable automatic attaching messages to thread by
> subject, try
> (setq wl-summary-search-parent-by-subject-regexp nil)
> and resync summary if you need.
> --
> Kazuhiro Ito