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Re: problems decoding base64 text/plain utf-8


> I just tried to read a message with the following MIME headers:
> 	Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> 	Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> but I was told:
> 	Can't decode current entity.
> (the BASE-64 blob looks Ok, and the message was on the Git list and many
> others seem to have been able to decode it as their replies show the
> original text)

If it is a problem of ML programs breaking base64 encoded entity by
adding plain text to the tail of it, below workaround would fix a

;; ~/.wl
;; Workaround for base64 with trailing garbage
(require 'mime-def)
(mel-define-method mime-decode-string (string (nil "base64"))
  (condition-case error
      (base64-decode-string string)
     (catch 'done
       (when (string-match
	      "\\([A-Za-z0-9+/ \t\r\n]+\\)=*" string)
	 (let ((tail (substring string (match-end 0)))
	       (string (match-string 1 string)))
	   (dotimes (i 3)
	     (condition-case nil
		   (setq string (base64-decode-string string))
		   (throw 'done (concat string tail)))
	     (setq string (concat string "=")))))
       (signal (car error) (cdr error))))))

Cf. (in Japanese)

Kazuhiro Ito