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Re: Counfounding MIME

> > Heh, naturally `C-c C-t C-c' just shows a bunch of garbled text,
> > probably because as you say, the mime type is wrong.  Now, the problem
> > is that that mime type was inserted by Apple Mail (2.1081), so if it's
> > wrong, it's a very common wrongness that WL should work around.
> (add-to-list 'mime-image-format-alist '(image jpg jpeg))

We need define mime-image-format-alist *before* SEMI is loaded.  Write
below code in ~/.emacs as prior as possible or modify mime-image.el
and re-install SEMI.

(setq mime-image-format-alist
      '((image jpg    jpeg)
 	(image jpeg   jpeg)
 	(image gif    gif)
 	(image tiff   tiff)
 	(image x-tiff tiff)
 	(image xbm    xbm)
 	(image x-xbm  xbm)
 	(image x-xpixmap xpm)
 	(image png    png)))

Or we need below code in ~/.eacs or ~/.wl.

(eval-after-load "mime-image"
  '(let ((rule '(image jpg jpeg)))
      (list (cons 'type (car rule))(cons 'subtype (nth 1 rule))
	    '(body . visible)
	    (cons 'body-presentation-method #'mime-display-image)
	    (cons 'image-format (nth 2 rule))))))

Kazuhiro Ito