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Re: Back to Gnus?

At Tue, 05 Apr 2011 18:29:50 -0400, Dave Abrahams wrote:

> > >I'm not happy about it, but I'm having enough problems with WL that it
> > >prompts serious consideration of a return to Gnus.  Among the issues:
> > >
> > >* Very rough handling of mail composition
> > >
> > >  * New messages with citations are created with embedded mime buttons
> > 
> > You can press 'C-c m' (wl-summary-toggle-mime-buttons) before you
> > reply to a message.
> Yes, I know, but what a pain! 

(setq mime-view-buttons-visible nil)

> Especially given my last issue of hangs, this becomes just one of
> many little inconveniences that add up to cost me time and
> aggravation every day.
> Oh, and here's another thing: those keybindings don't work when you're
> actually in the message highlighting the portion you want cited.  They
> only work in the summary, and that causes aggravation.  Similarly,
> there are commands/keybindings that work in the message itself that
> should also work from summary mode (e.g. decrypt PGP section).

You have Wanderlust sources, right? :)

> > >  * Font lock doesn't work reliably, at all.  In fact, it's incredibly
> > >    annoying.  For example, If I want to insert a line a the beginning
> > >    of a message with a citation, I go to the end of the line
> > >    containing "--text follows this line--", hit `RET', and the
> > >    highlighting from that line extends to cover everything I type.
> > >    The same goes when inserting in cited text.
> > 
> > Yes, this is annoying, but you can turn off highlighting of
> > mail-header-separator in wl/wl-highlight.el. Just remove the lines
> > 179-188:
> > 
> > (wl-defface wl-highlight-header-separator-face
> >   '(
> >   (((type tty)
> > [...]
> Right; I have to modify WL.  And I like the mail-header-separator to
> be highlighted.  I could live with giving up mail-header-separator
> highlighting, but that doesn't help when I am inserting text into a
> cited section; I still get the highlighting of the citation on my new
> text.  The latter is by far the more common of these cases for me.

This issue was worked around in this mail list, btw:

(defun my-highlight-hook (beg end len)
  (let ((begining (or (save-excursion
			(goto-char beg)
			(re-search-backward "^" nil t))
	(ending (or (save-excursion
		      (goto-char end)
		      (re-search-forward "$" nil t))
    (put-text-property begining ending 'face nil)
    (wl-highlight-message begining ending t nil)
    (wl-highlight-message begining ending t t)))

(add-hook 'wl-draft-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (add-hook 'after-change-functions

> > >* Generally, too much customization required just to get some
> > >  functionality that's de-rigeur in many mail clients (e.g. signature
> > >  support).  Just look at the size of my customizations!
> > >  https://github.com/dabrahams/dwamacs/blob/master/settings/wl-settings.el
> > >
> > >* Connections to my IMAP and SMTP server drop every few minutes and WL
> > >  hangs instead of dealing with it gracefully.  I need to `C-g', wait
> > >  for Emacs to notice, then `M-t M-t' to get back to normal.
> > 
> > Hmm, I use WL with three different IMAP servers (Gmail, Fastmail and
> > Exchange 2010) and I don't have this problem.
> I am also connecting to the GMail IMAP server.  I'm not sure why I am
> losing the connection (actually, I'm just assuming that's the root
> cause of this problem), but the fact is that WL doesn't deal with it
> gracefully.  And that problem also occurs every time I disconnect my
> wired connection and take my laptop to a different area or wake the
> laptop from sleep.  I'm sure that happens to you, too.

That can be solved easily, if somebody really wants to solve it.

You can't solve the fact that Gnus is only good for NNTP :) So, its
IMAP sucks, offline support sucks, sources organization sucks, code
quality sucks,... sucks, ... sucks, ... sucks, ... ;)

I've fixed everything worried me in WL without feeling pain in my ass,
and I'm pretty happy about it. It made ever greater difference,
because I came to WL from Gnus, and I will never return back. No
way. Gnus sucks, it has never worked well enough for me. I want
working IMAP and clean, readable sources to customize things how I'd

wbr, Vitaly