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Re: draft note to IPv6 WG on DNS discovery


This seems to me to be more of a protocol development issue, not operations? My reading of the DNSOP charter has it focusing on the DNS server operations, not how a host learns the addresses of resolvers, default domains, etc. I also note that the DHCPv6 DNS option was developed in the DHC working group, not DNSOP.


At 07:27 AM 3/5/2003, Thomas Narten wrote:
> So, let's get the topic of DNS resolver autoconfiguration started
> somewhere else -- is dnsext or dnsop a better choice?

Dnsop, I suspect. Dnsext is for changes to the DNS. AFAIK, no DNS
changes/extensions are being pursued.

dnsop is presumably where folk that run DNS servers and are familiar
with operational issues actually reside. This community should
presumably be supporting the work, if it is to go forward.
