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Re: Please review: Financials presentation

At 09:19 AM 3/13/2003 -0800, James Kempf wrote:
Slide 8: There is another option, ask ISOC for more money (sorry Lynn. :-) With
PIR, there should hopefully be more coming.
That is a possibility, but don't hold your breath. Or, more to the point, be prepared to help with the fund-raising activities.

PIR funds, per the ICANN award, are supposed to fund specific programs, as opposed to simply being grants of cash. PIR can decide (and we have asked them to decide) that funding the RFC Editor is an appropriate such program; developing educational materials and such are definitely appropriate programs. "Supplementing IETF budget" is, I think, a little more debatable, as it is not so much a well-defined project.

While we welcome and plan to receive PIR funding, I would expect "budget support" to be done through organizational member contributions; these are garnered in the traditional way. ISOC would likely look for IETF help in that if IETF wanted access to the outcome.