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Re: A thought about agendas.....

--On 15. mars 2003 11:44 -0800 Aaron Falk <falk@isi.edu> wrote:


Is your comment that you are surprised that there isn't a strawman
agenda proposed at the time the chairs ask for additional items?  If
so, I agree that it's a lot more constructive to ask "is this
complete?"  than "what should we talk about?"  (This is why we insist
on a draft before adding items to meeting agendas, right?)
you said it better than I did. Thanks!

I see Bill's comment on "openness", though..... if the WG isn't cohesive in its understanding of what's important, I can see that the WG chairs' coming up with a strawman agenda could be seen as "forcing" the issues.

(Sometimes I worry that I see too *few* objections when I propose something - the three first theories in my mind are 1) I'm perfect, 2) people aren't paying attention, and 3) people don't think their objections will be paid attention to - of the 3, I think the first one is the most unlikely one :-)
