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Re: interim meetings


>> What do I do if I want a WG to have an interim meeting?

> Note, guessing this is ppvpn,

You guessed right :)


> Note, I may be a bit biased here, as I've soured somewhat on "let's
> have an interim meeting, as they tend to be more productive". I'm
> fully supportive of "lets have an interim meeting to make progress as
> outlined in this agenda/plan".

The latter.

Productiveness-wise, I don't like the way they did their
meetings. As you saw too, the precious face-to-face time was
spent a 30-minute introduction from the WG chair with 1
minute worth of actual data, then slideware, with very
little useful discussion. This will have to change, and I
have no reason to believe that Marco will get better from
this perspective, so this will have to be either Rick if
he's not gone by then, or the new co-chair if Rick is gone.
