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RE: Another IESG Charter revision

--On tirsdag, april 08, 2003 00:05:09 +0200 "Wijnen, Bert (Bert)" <bwijnen@lucent.com> wrote:

I believe I have done several of them. Specifically those that go
for stds track. In fact I thought they MUST find a sponsoring or
shepherding AD to go through the process.

Mmm... I am working on an individual ID of my own that wants to go
stds track. I was planning to put it on IESG agenda (after 4 week
last call, whihc is running now) and then ask Randy my co-AD to
take the yes-vote. So you tell me we cannot do that?
for stds track, all docs are clear: it must go to the IESG, not the RFC Editor. It's Info/Exp where there is doubt.