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RE: Evaluation: draft-mealling-iana-xmlns-registry - The IETF XML Registry to BCP

>                     Yes    No-Objection  Discuss *  Abstain  
> Bert Wijnen         [   ]     [   ]       [ X ]      [   ]

- Section 2.1 states:
                     NOTE: in order for a URN of this type to be
   assigned, the item being registered MUST have been through the IETF
   concensus process.  Practically this means it must be documented in
   an RFC.

  Given the confusion we have seen over what "IETF consensus" means, do
  we want to keep the above or maybe define it better?

- Under publicid on page 2 it says:
                                                       In the case
      where a PUBLIC Identifier is also a URI it is possible for the
      SYSTEM Identifier to contain the same URI but this behavior is not
      recommended unless its side effects are well known.

  I think the intention is: "unless its side effect are well known and
  understood to not cause any unacceptable harm" or some such, no?

- Sect 3, Registration Process explains how an XML file is being stored.
  It does not talk at all about if or if so how such an XML file
  will be validated to have correct syntax. 
  Given the experiens with MIB modules, I would hope that IANA gets
  a tool to verify that such XML syntax is correct before a file
  gets accepted. Should the document say something about that?


- Page 3 under schema:
  probably should be:
