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Re: draft-allocchio-gstn-05.txt concern

> Well, given your statement that your specification shouldn't be
> applied to LDAP telephone numbers AND an IESG member commented
> stating that your I-D defines the "preferred" syntax for telephone
> numbers in comment to a recent LDAP draft, implies that your
> I-D is not as clear as it should be.  Like the IESG member, I
> read your specification as applying to telephone numbers in
> general (though defining syntax capable of supporting additional
> dial sequence capabilities).  I think the I-D needs to be clarified
> here.

If your specification deals with dial string objects, i.e. things which
are diallable, thus a subset of E.164 and E.123, then the statment by the
IESG member is correct. If, as it states in the text, deals with E.123
number, then it is simply not enough, as there are non diallable elements
in that. However, I suspect that what is called the specification for
telephone numbers in the LDAP statements is indeed a dial string and NOT a
telephone number as defined by E.164, thus there is no contradiction in
both comments you received. The text in the gstn draft is quite clear,
when it distiguish the two cases.


Claudio Allocchio             G   A   R   R          Claudio.Allocchio@garr.it
                        Project Technical Officer
tel: +39 040 3758523      Italian Academic and       G=Claudio; S=Allocchio;
fax: +39 040 3758565        Research Network         P=garr; A=garr; C=it;

           PGP Key: http://www.cert.garr.it/PGP/keys.php3#ca