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Re: draft-allocchio-gstn-05.txt concern

> That is, I believe this specification is not compatible with
> RFC2252-defined telephone number syntaxes.  (RFC2252 is on the
> Standards Track.)

"Telephone numbers", not dial strings, is it? In the Object identifier
which is inserted into directories you put telephone numbers, written
accordingly to the human readable standard E.123, if I'm correct. Thus you
specify a different object than a dial string, which also contain, for
example, pauses, or special dial elements like DTMF "A", "B", etc...

Looking, however, from a more pragmatic view, E.123 syntax differs from a
subset of dial string syntax just because it allows "white space" as
separator, while dial string syntax, for compatibility with existing
internet protocol specification and to avoid unduly complex quoting
mechanisns, uses "." or "-"... not so far away even if they're different

I don't really see the reasons for such a strong position: we created the
specification just to avoid tha anybody invents his own syntax for a
commonly used object encoded in text such as a dial string (... and in the
IETF the "not invente here" often apply till the "not invented in this
WG", or worse "not invented by me"  (-: ). If a future revision of
directory specification will simply allow an additional "optional" syntax
(which in my opinion is not strictily necessary to do, ad you're anyhow
talking a different object, not a dial string), then you will have the
problem you mention about implementation compatibility. If you simple
state "in order to draw a dial string from thei E.123 syntax telephone
number you need to convert spaces into '.'", than there is not problem.

Hope this helps to clarify a bit!

'night !

Claudio Allocchio             G   A   R   R          Claudio.Allocchio@garr.it
                        Project Technical Officer
tel: +39 040 3758523      Italian Academic and       G=Claudio; S=Allocchio;
fax: +39 040 3758565        Research Network         P=garr; A=garr; C=it;

           PGP Key: http://www.cert.garr.it/PGP/keys.php3#ca