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Re: Agenda: draft-ietf-dnsext-gss-tsig-06.txt

--On torsdag, juni 12, 2003 10:58:19 +0200 Erik Nordmark <Erik.Nordmark@sun.com> wrote:

"The server MUST not generate a signed response to an unsigned request,
except in case of response to client's unsigned TKEY query if secret
key is established on server side after server processed client's
query. Signing responses to unsigned TKEY queries MUST be explicitly
specified in the description of an individual secret key establishment

Where should we re-start the process?
The only requirement we have is that an approval notice be sent from
iesg-secretary to rfc-editor so they can put the document back on the

Do we do this informally?
Do we create an evaluation form and to that part of the approval process?
Do we restart by redoing the IETF last call?

I can live with either one of the choices - we just need to pick one and
move forward.
I suggest restarting the doc in IESG Evaluation state - with the old ballot (modified for new IESG members) and votes (people have until the next telechat to change them, if they want to).
