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"DNP" and "No Problem" Messages to the RFC Editor

Dear IESG Members:

Yesterday, Harald and I discussed the format of the messages that the Secretariat sends to the RFC Editor conveying the IESG's positions on documents that the RFC Editor has asked the IESG to review. As you know, there are basically two types of messages: one that says the IESG has no problem with the publication of a document, and one that says the IESG recommends that a document not be published.

In the past, the Secretariat used "standardized" text for the first sentence of each of these types of messages. "No problem" messages began with the following statement:

"The IESG has no problem with publication of <title> <filename> as an Informational (or Experimental) RFC."

"DNP" messages began with the following statement:

"The IESG recommends that <title> <filename> NOT be published as an Informational (or Experimental) RFC."

If the shepherding AD provided additional information (e.g., explanations or clarifications), and/or an RFC Editor Note, then the Secretariat inserted it immediately after the standard opening sentence.

More recently, we seem to have moved away from that procedure in that several messages prepared by the shepherding ADs did not contain these opening sentences, and the Secretariat forwarded them to the RFC Editor *exactly* as submitted.

We would like to re-institute the procedure of "pre-pending" these standard opening sentences to these messages. In this way, the RFC Editor will be apprised of the "bottom line" immediately upon opening the message. Therefore, the Secretariat asks that you please begin all "DNP" or "No problem" messages to the RFC Editor with the appropriate opening sentence. If you forget to do so, then the Secretariat will insert the sentence before the text that you provide.

Please let me know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.



Barbara B. Fuller
Acting Executive Director
Internet Engineering Task Force

Natick, Massachusetts Office:

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