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Re: Listing Affiliations on the IESG Web Page (fwd)

--On torsdag, juni 19, 2003 07:55:52 -0700 Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:

 Though our employers will like it they way it is, would it be
 possible to somehow stress that the IESG is not a collection of
 representatives from companies (as one may get a feeling by looking
 at the page now), but individuals that happen to be employed and that
 the affiliation info is given for the purpose of openness...
Well.... Amy asked if I wanted the company names to be links to company
homepages; I said "no".

But so far, I haven't thought of anything else we can do to that page to
make it clearer, without drawing so much attention to the issue that the
point gets lost...
use the word 'affiliation', e.g.,

   Randy Bush  affililiation IIJ

or even 'participation supported by'

and put a note on the page that specificially says that IESG members
do not represent ...
if we were doing tables, we could have a 3-column table with "name", "affiliation" and "email" as the column titles.

I'll get the note added to the bottom.
