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Re: Agenda and Package for June 26, 2003 Telechat

I tend to use the web agenda as well, but I'm not sure that
all of the same pieces get into that.  As an example, I sent
a proposed DNP note with the agenda item for draft-paskin-doi-uri.
In the web agenda, the item has no ballot because it is an
individual submission, so it cannot be attached to a ballot.
The other link is to the draft directly and probably shouldn't
be changed.  While it would be possible to include the whole
thing as text in the web agenda in the Note: section,
it's actually quite long and that might make the agenda harder
to use if it were general.

Here's a copy of the note:

This document proposes a top-level URI scheme, doi, and contains
details about the usage of this identifier in a community of use
centered on the International DOI Foundation. After receiving this
draft from the RFC Editor, the IESG requested that the URI be
reviewed by the team at uri-review@ietf.org to see if it fit within
the guidelines established by RFC 2717/BCP35. Though the authors
and reviewers have had a productive discussion of the draft,
the IESG has concluded that this draft does not meet the requirements
of RFC 2717, section 3.2.

The IESG notes, however, that the original intention of those crafting
RFC 2717 was to set up registration trees outside the IETF tree, in order to
enable registrations by those whose community of use lay largely outside the context
of IETF standards. After a long pause in the development of those registration
procedures, the responsible AD has asked Larry Masinter to take on editorship
of a proposed set of procedures for these registrations. The IESG encourages
the draft's authors to work with him on those guidelines and, when they
are complete, to register the doi scheme in the non-IETF tree that they will
set up.
I'd link that much text, rather than include it in a web agenda, but I'm not
sure how to make that work.

					Ted Hardie
At 8:22 AM -0700 6/25/03, Bill Fenner wrote:
I very rarely use the email agenda; I usually use the web version.
I looked at the email versions last week and this week, and I can't make
any sense of them at all, I think mostly because of the issue that Randy
brought up.  For me, the visual distinction between headings and documents
(e.g. indentation) and between individual documents (e.g. vertical
whitespace) is crucial.  I didn't comment because I don't usually use
the email version.
