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Re: Evaluation: draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-new-13

Bill Fenner         [   ]     [   ]       [ X ]      [   ]

In the ABNF, the definition of "m1" ends with an extra ).

The text says that type characters are case-sensitive.
Unfortunately, this means that ASCII values have to be
used in the ABNF instead of strings, since ABNF strings
are case-insensitive.  e.g.

      proto-version =       "v=" 1*DIGIT CRLF

really has to be something like

      proto-version =       %x76 "=" 1*DIGIT CRLF
      proto-version =       %x76.3d 1*DIGIT CRLF

since both "v=0" and "V=0" match the one with "v=".

I realize that this latter error is copied from RFC 2327.  If this is
the only objection I'm not going to stand on it too strongly.
