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Education BOF

This was not a traditional BOF, in that it did not have as a goal the formation of a working group. In fact, one of the most difficult discussions was over exactly what was being advocated. The goals were to organize and improve the process by which people are trained in IETF processes, including the current Tao of the IETF and Security tutorials and the current new working group chair sessions.

The bulk of the meeting brainstormed the sorts of improvements we could make if there were someone or some organization that knew how to push for them. Ideas included:

Mentoring relationships, where old-timers who volunteer are paired up with newbies who request it for advice on what's going on and how to get things done. It was pointed out that the word "mentoring" has different meanings in different cultures - in particular implying something less casual than what this proposal had in mind.

A variation on this was a proposal that old-timers who volunteer get a new dot color indicating a willingness to be approached and to help newbies.

Brown bag lunches on selected topics.

Making it more evident what the Tao of the IETF and the Security Tutorial were, in particular encouraging people who might benefit to attend. Someone mentioned thinking that the Security Tutorial was about fire safety in the IETF hotel.

Indications of the printed agenda as to what working groups are most likely to be of interest to people who are new to an area. Many people have to decide which WG to attend for some time slot and it would be helpful which WGs are in stages where someone who has not read the drafts will be completely lost vs. those likely to have some educational value.

Avri Doria talked about the possibility of Editor training comparable to the working group chair training that already exists. There is a lot of information that is communicated informally and it would be helpful to set up either mentoring relationships or training sessions.

The meeting concluded with a discussion of where to go from here. The "strawman proposal" was to form a "working-group-like" organization with a chair, members, a web page, a charter, a public mailing list, and occasional meetings at IETF. There was some discussion of what such a thing be called. Both Working Group and Directorate seemed inappropriate, but no one seemed to know what it would take to create a new kind of entity. This proposal was positively received, with Margaret Wasserman perhaps volunteering to chair it, Harold perhaps volunteering to sponsor it in the "General" Area, and many people indicating an interest in participating.