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Re: Fwd: ISO 3166-1 Newsletter V-8 on Serbia andMontenegro published

--On Wednesday, 23 July, 2003 16:50 -0400 Rob Austein <sra@hactrn.net> wrote:

short term, presumably the conflict in this case would be with
the one-time republic of czechosolvakia, of which no trace
appears to remain in the dns, and which probably went away
long enough ago that stale urls, bookmarks, and address books
are not a major concern.

long term, you're sneaking up on the "melancholy elephants"
problem (see spider robinson's story by that name): 26**2
isn't a big number.
The number is a bit smaller than that, since a handful of codes are permanently reserved for other purposes. But, compared to the number of countries in the world (or even country names) since, e.g., 1960, 650+ actually is a big number... It is at least one that leaves a more comfortable margin than, e.g., 2**31 in a well-known other context where, unlike country names/codes, explosive growth is plausibly likely.

Of course, if a large series of new codes were required because of efforts to, e.g., rename Afghanistan to Bushistan and Iraq to Georgistan, etc., that could change. But that doesn't seem very likely at the moment.
