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Re: Changing the deadline for ballot submissions before telechats

In message <394414768.1059468305@localhost>, Harald Tveit Alvestrand writes:
>Barbara says that the secretariat has a very hectic time preparing for the 
>telechats on Thursday morning.
>She suggest that if we move the deadline to Wednesday at 16:00, this would 
>reduce the stress level significantly.
>So - do people think that moving the deadline for pre-telechat 
>position-making to 16:00 Wednesday would cause problems for them?
>This is, of course, just about the current system of emailed positions - 
>when we get the web interface to balloting operational, the workload of 
>recording positions will be *significantly* lower, so we can discuss the 
>issue again.

Hmm -- it would be a change to my style, since I typically do a lot of 
my reading Wednesday night, in an effort to ensure that I do have 
virtually all of my ballots in before the telechat.  More precisely, 
it's an effort to be sure I've read everything by then, and once I've 
read it I want to record my opinion immediately.  But as Bert noted, I 
have to email in any DISCUSS comments anyway; it doesn't matter much to 
me if I have to repeat my vote verbally.

But if it makes life easier for the Secretariat, sure -- I'll make 
Tuesday my reading night...

		--Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb