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Re: [Fwd: Re: IAB comments on draft-baker-liaisons-00.txt]

> 1) who does the legwork for a particular communication?
>   answer: the liaison (person) for the relationship in question, with
>   the understanding that the liaison (person) may chose to delegate
>   the job to someone more appropriate.  unless i'm confused (again),
>   this person is usually somebody picked by the iab, in consultation
>   with the iesg and anybody else whom the iab thinks might have
>   something useful to contribute (eg, the sdo in question)

How about "liason representative"? Otherwise, there's no distinction between
the liason as relationship and liason as person.

Wrt. the who picks, as Margaret's email cites from IAB charter, IAB or IESG
can pick.

> 2) how do we keep from dropping the ball?
>    answer: this is yet another tracking job for the secretariat.
>    think paper trail, although no doubt we'd do it online.   the point
>    is to make it possible for both ietf folk and the sdo in question
>    to figure out what has and has not happened, and to know what to do
>    to get things rolling again if they've stalled.


> 3) how do we decide when we have an answer?
>    this is the point bert just raised, and i think it's a good one.

I don't think this is so ambiguous. If IETF gets a letter requesting a
response, then I think it is incumbent upon IETF to answer (modulo a
communication whose content might suggest to the responsibile parties in
IETF that not answering might be a better strategy, as you cite below).

The more pertinent issue, which is what I interpeted Bert's point as, is how
the response is formulated. Is it formulated through WG concensus or through
an AD or WG chairs sending a response? I believe, again, this depends on the
particular situation and needs to be assessed on a case by case basis, with
IESG management function being exercised as necessary.

> 4) how do we deal with requests which are, in our opinion, unreasonable
>    (eg, unrealistic response deadlines) or ill-formed?
>    answer: expectation management through better working
>    relationships (i can feel my hair growing points as i type this) or
>    not at all (ok, my hair's better now) as the case may be.

Yep. This was what I meant by the "modulo" above.
