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glitch in draft-ietf-mpls-lsr-mib-12.txt


( I know it is VERY short before end of last call, but I just came across this 

the mplsXCTable contains a RowStatus column and an AdminStatus column.
The DESCRIPTION of its RowStatus reads, 
       "When a row in this table has a row in the active(1)
        state, no objects in this row except this object
        and the mplsXCStorageType can be modified."
Which does not make sense. As far as I know, the core purpose of AdminStatus 
is to have the possibility to put an XC offline without having to set the 
entire row to NotInService. But if one cannot modify the AdminStatus once the 
RowStatus is "up", this is not possible.
If the description remains the way it is now, AdminStatus is mostly useless. A 
simple addition like
       "except this object, the mplsXCStorageType
        and the mplsXCAdminStatus can be modified."
would make much more sense.


Stefan Winter