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RE: glitch in draft-ietf-mpls-lsr-mib-12.txt

>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-mpls@UU.NET [mailto:owner-mpls@UU.NET] On Behalf 
>Of Stefan Winter
>Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 3:57 AM
>To: mpls@UU.NET; iesg@ietf.org
>Subject: glitch in draft-ietf-mpls-lsr-mib-12.txt
>( I know it is VERY short before end of last call, but I just 
>came across this 
>the mplsXCTable contains a RowStatus column and an AdminStatus column.
>The DESCRIPTION of its RowStatus reads, 
>       "When a row in this table has a row in the active(1)
>        state, no objects in this row except this object
>        and the mplsXCStorageType can be modified."
>Which does not make sense. As far as I know, the core purpose 
>of AdminStatus 
>is to have the possibility to put an XC offline without having 
>to set the 
>entire row to NotInService. But if one cannot modify the 
>AdminStatus once the 
>RowStatus is "up", this is not possible.
>If the description remains the way it is now, AdminStatus is 
>mostly useless. A 
>simple addition like
>       "except this object, the mplsXCStorageType
>        and the mplsXCAdminStatus can be modified."
>would make much more sense.

	Good catch. I will fix this along with any changes
from the RFC editor.


>Stefan Winter