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Re: The RFC2418 appellant processes

todd glassey wrote:
> ...
> And what happened to those who's ideas were not so embraced? Was your IETF
> fair and open to them too? I think not.
> ...

So, let those who have failed to convince people in the merit of their ideas
teach us how to change the IETF process so that such ideas are accepted anyway!

I am starting to be convinced! Inspired by this argument, I will make a couple
more suggestions of a far grander scope:

1) Let us immediately change the medical licensing system so that those who have
failed medical school can still become doctors and operate on us. (For sure it
is the process at fault here; otherwise, how could someone possibly fail a
medical school unless the school is corrupt?)

2) Let us change the system so that anyone who has failed a pilot's exam could
still be licenced to fly planes. (After, all it is FAA's fault that someone
could possibly fail a pilot's exam.)

3) Let us change some major school (say, Harvard Law School) to ensure that
everyone is accepted and then graduates with honors. (Everyone knows that if a
person was not admitted to Harvard it is not because this person can not read,
but because of the faulty selection process in Harvard.)

A lot of work is in front of us, and we need to get judges and other citizens
involved!  And now the subject is so much wider and so much more important than
the IETF that it is time to finish this particular thread on POISSON, and move
it to another, more appropriate discussion list!
