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Re: [IP-Optical] LMP: Link verification procedure suggestions.

Hi Jonathan,

As you said the Verify Dead interval is for "each" Test message and it is to be
determined by the receiver side, based on the capability of the receiver of Test
message. Agreed.

Now suppose the receiver choosed a large Verify Deadinterval ( since it is going
to listen on a single interface at a time ) and it needs to cycle through the
potential data links ( as you said ). On what basis does it switches , listening
from one interface to the next in the process of cycling through the
interfaces.( since one can be listened at a time ).

If you say that this timeout period is the VerifyDeadinterval for that datalink
means the case what Murugan mentioned is a possible one. How that can be solved
by choosing a large value of VerifyDead Interval.

Now VerifyDeadInterval is the one upto which the sender will send the Test
messages through the same interface. am i right. . But what is the timeout to
listen on a single interface. On what basis the receiver will switch to the next
interface and start lsitening on it. If this timeout is also equal to the
VerifyDeadInterval what is the use of selecting a large value of
VerifyDeadInterval timer. Then the case what Murugan mentioned is always
possible. Kindly clarify me( if possible with the same example of Murugan's).



> This is where you are misunderstanding the process.  If you can only receive
> over one interface at a time, then you need to cycle through your interfaces
> before declaring the test failed.  Hence, the VerifyDeadInterval must be
> long enough for you to check all potential data links.  This is why the
> receiver determines the VerifyDeadInterval.

---- <snipped>---------

> > > No. The VerifyDeadInterval is set for *each* Test message.
> > This is
> > > configured at the receiving node and indicates that if a
> > Test message is not
> > > seen within the VerifyDeadInterval, the Test procedure has
> > failed for that
> > > data link. In your above example, once the receiver sees a
> > Test message, it
> > > sends a TestStatusSuccess message to the sender.  If
> > instead, the
> > > VerifyDeadInterval is reached without receiving a Test
> > message, A
> > > TestStatusFailure message is sent.  At this point, the
> > sender can transmit a
> > > new Test message down the next data link.
