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Re: Backwards compatability with existing IPv6

Jim.Bound@nokia.com wrote:

> > >3GPP product sets will be built before this working group is done.
> >
> >         A meaningless tautology as I don't expect this WG
> > is any more likely to halt than IPng WG.
> True in that context.  But that was not my context.  My context was the
> invesment in stacks is real.  A change will take time to absorb new features
> as it will with anything new from any IETF new IPv6 work.

And the timescale for shipping new features is getting longer. The 
slaves have been working in the IPv6 coding mines for several years 
now. Any changes we need due to multi6 need to be modular increments,
rather than fundamental change in the stacks, if you want to see them
shipped on a reasonable timescale.
