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RE: The state of IPv6 multihoming development

On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 10:00, Tony Li wrote:

> Will homes, academia and non-enterprises multihome?  Some
> academic sites already are.  I know of some sick netgeeks
> who are already multihomed.  All of it hangs in the balance
> between the economic cost and the perception of mission 
> critical importance.

I agree.

My house is already multi-homed for electricity supply - my conventional
phone has an independent power supply from my house.

I'm already multi-homed with my voice service itself - I have both a
sepearate fixed line and a mobile services.

While I'm not a netgeek yet with a multi-homed Internet connections,
when my Internet connection becomes as critical as my phone during
emergency situations, I'd all of a sudden become very interested in
multi-homing, likely via both land line and wireless.

As the critical infrastructure converges onto the Internet, I think
multi-homing is going to become far more common than what exists today,
to the point where the majority of connections may be multi-homed.
