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Re: My impressions of the Sunday meetings....

    > From: Kurt Erik Lindqvist <kurtis@kurtis.pp.se>

    > I am not arguing for a quick and easy solution, rather the contrary.

Here we see the difference between the perspectives of an architect, and
that of an engineer. To me, multiple addresses *are* a "quick and easy
solution"! :-)

(Not that I don't understand the engineering perspective, let me hasten to
add. In fact, I don't think you can be a good architect *unless* you've had
lots of experience in the trenches. But I digress [again :-].)

    > BUT, I think that we need more data, experience and time.

Oh, for land sakes, how much more "data, experience and time" do we need
with the current architecture to know that it's a sad mismatch with what
people are trying to do out in the world? (Ref Iljitsch's wonderful message
about how "most services run on several hosts (load balancers)", etc, etc.)

I think we've now got plenty of data to say that minor tweaks to the
existing architecture just ain't gonna cut it. But of course now we get into
the whole problem I alluded to earlier, which is how to you get a behemoth
like the IETF to accept something radically new.
