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Comment on draft-ietf-multi6-v4-multihoming-00


Anyone remember draft-ietf-multi6-v4-multihoming-00 from 2001?  Well, I've
been thinking about IPv4 multihoming background for a while now, and would
like to have people consider something which may not have been obvious to

The draft lists the following:

3. Motivations for Multihoming
3.1 Redundancy
3.2 Load Sharing
3.3 Performance
3.4 Policy

I'd like to propose an additional item, "3.0 Independence".

It's only implicitly included under Policy, and technically (mostly)
included under redundancy.. but it seems to me that it is a major reason
for certain solutions, and a critical reason why many IPv6 site
multihoming solutions are not considered adequate.

Is there some flaw in my thinking?  Are there other missing pieces in the 
old document?  Any other references to documenting IPv4 practises?

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings