-----Original Message-----
From: Michael H. Lambert [mailto:lambert@psc.edu]
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 10:06 AM
To: Bound, Jim
Cc: multi6@ops.ietf.org
Subject: RE: Again no multi6 at IETF#56
--On Saturday, 15 March 2003 21:54 -0500 "Bound, Jim"
IPv6 deployment will not wait for multi-homing to be solved. [...]
I don't think multi-homing will wait for multi-homing to be
solved, either.
I'm sure there are many sites out there, not "knowing" there
are problems
with MH, that will blindly multi-home using PA addresses.
And I bet many
of them will be quite happy. What we need are reports of operational
experience with PA MH.
| Michael H. Lambert, Network Engineer Phone: +1
412 268-4960 |
| Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center FAX: +1
412 268-8200 |
| 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
lambert@psc.edu |