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[RRG] Process for picking new RRG Co-chair


As I mentioned in an earlier note, I need to find a new co-chair for the RRG.

Part of my hopes with Dan had been to get more involvement from the academic community. I think that is still important and something that would benefit the research group and its efforts to understand possible solution paths for Internet routing.

After discussions with Aaron, some of the IRSG members, and various others I plan on the following process:

-- Over the next 2 weeks I invite anyone who is interested in volunteering as my co-chair to send me a note to that effect. I would ask that this note include some paragraphs about what you would like to see the RRG do, how you think you can help it happen and some statement as your ability to put some time into research group activities. I would like to ask anyone who thinks they know a good candidate to get in touch with them and convince them to send in such a note indicating interest.

-- I will collect these statements and put them on a web page mid month, and invite the participants in the RRG list to comment on the candidates confidentially either via email or Skype or whatever.

-- After approximately 2 weeks for comment, I will discuss the candidates with Aaron and some of the members of the IRSG and communicate with the candidates. At that point I hope we can come to agreement on a co-chair. After Aaron has gone through any necessary IAB process, the new co-chair will be announced to the list.

I hope to have all this done before IETF67 where I am planning to request a meeting slot for the RRG. More about that in another note.

Note: I will be working on a research project in the mountains of Arctic Sweden (in the vicinity of N67.54117, E17.19303) from 5 Aug to 14 Aug and do not expect to respond to any RRG email during that time. I hope to come back mid August to find some indications of interest in my mailbox.


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