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RE: [RRG] Comments on draft-lewis-lisp-interworking

Hi Darrel, 

|> Simply this: if return packets leaving a LISP site, headed 
|> for a non-LISP site, use a EID as the source address, then it 
|> is highly likely that the packets will be dropped due to the 
|> source address filtering.
|It would pass a lose-mode check since the route is in the table, which
|is the current best practice for multi-homed networks.

Ok, but as you're transitioning to LISP, you want to remove routes to EID
prefixes from the routing table.  That breaks loose or strict mode.

|> So you admit then that your argument about the benefits of 
|> hosting a PTR don't hold water?
|Sorry, I don't admit this at all.

Ok cool, so assuming you've been following the conversation, is there a flaw
in my argument?


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