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Re: [RRG] RRG process clarification

On Apr 18, 2008, at 5:27 AM, Peter Sherbin wrote:
We need to first come to some agreement on the very highest
levetl branches in the decision tree (e.g., do we do map-and-encap or
translation or ???),...
This sounds good and in line with the original expectations of RRG.  
It looks that the initial step is to define drivers or building  
blocks (the Internet atoms - "iats" - if you will). Next would be to  
agree on how drivers interact (or how we want them to interact) thus  
outlining an architecture.
There were several attempts to list drivers and major concepts such  
as location ID; name ID; what physical item must have a location ID;  
which items must bear a name ID; location ID space/structure; name  
ID space/structure; behavior of items with name IDs; role of items  
with location IDs; a wireline connectivity is a private instance of  
generally mobile world; etc.
What I gathered from the above:
- a clearly defined set of terminology is critically important
  (I saw fair number of "ID"s in a pretty short paragraph:-)

- the terminology definition, in turn, critically depend on reaching
  agreement on a set of basic concepts.
(e.g. is a wireline connectivity a special case of generally mobile world)
- what falls into the basic concepts depends on the scope of the design
  (e.g. the overall Internet architecture, vs. the routing architecture
  with a clear understanding of its relations to the other parts)

Formulating a general principle such as "a sender of the data bears costs of the data delivery to the final destination over the network" would guide the actual participants in all aspects of their Internet activities thus helping with the implementation in a long run.

I feel less sure about the above principle. Lars brought up the  
requirement question. It seems to me the requirements should guide our  
discussion about the very highest level branch in the decision tree.

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