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"Doing It Right" (was Re: [RRG] Consensus? IPv4 scaling problem ...)

On May 26, 2008, at 8:25 PM, Ross Callon wrote:
If you believe this, then the issue is real and is strategic, not
tactical. We have the opportunity to Do It Right, and we should.

I believe that we have the opportunity to "Do It Right", and we should.
What are are the base assumptions about how to "Do It Right"?

Some might argue that if time isn't a consideration, the right way to "Do It Right" is to throw out IPv6 as an abject failure and start anew. Others might say that it is infeasible to deploy "IPngng" and instead we need to figure out how to make what we have work. And then you get into questions of "what we have". What we _really_ have is IPv4. What we (arguably) sort of have, perhaps as a potential, is "IPv6". But if you go this route, it is unlikely you'll get everyone agreeing that the result is "right".
I've always made the assumption that the biggest enemy here is inertia  
and that if we want to see something deployed in a non-infinite  
timeframe, we have to leverage as much of the existing infrastructure  
as possible while minimizing the number of devices that need to be  
touched.  Almost by definition, this won't be "right" for some value  
of that variable.
The question is, what's the consensus on the requirements to "Do It  

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