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Re: "Doing It Right" (was Re: [RRG] Consensus? IPv4 scaling problem ...)


On May 27, 2008, at 2:24 PM, Fleischman, Eric wrote:
From: David Conrad [mailto:drc@virtualized.org]
Some might argue that if time isn't a consideration, the right
way to "Do It Right" is to throw out IPv6 as an abject failure
and start anew.
I must be missing something: why are we concluding that IPv6 is an
abject failure?
Note that I am not asserting this is a conclusion, rather that the  
argument has been (frequently) made that IPv6 only solves the amount  
of address space problem (poorly) and doesn't address routing  
scalability, the need to renumber should you change providers, or  
multi-homing.  Further, as evidenced by the lack of any significant  
deployment after a dozen years, it can be argued that IPv6 has been a  
clear market failure.

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