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Tunnel Set-up requirements: Issue to be resolved

There is one major issue that need to be resolved in this document,
and I'd like to get feedback on.

The original draft talked about two modes, authenticated and non authenticated.
This was not a perfect terminology, and we now use registered vs non registered.

As Pekka's explained, there are three level of requirements,
the ones on the protocol, the ones on the implementations
of the protocol and the ones on its deployment.

With regard to the support of those 2 modes, this is what I would like to suggest:

Non registered mode:
	- MUST be supported by the protocol to be designed
	- RECOMMENDED to be implemented on client and servers/brokers
	- MAY be turned off by ISP

Registered mode:
- MUST be supported by the protocol
- RECOMMENDED to be implemented on clients and servers/brokers
- MAY be turned on by ISP
- The registered part of the protocol SHOULD not be too different from the non registered one,
so as to minimize code difference between the two modes

The difference is that the Non registered mode becomes the default mode of operation,
which can certainly be a valid option when the ISP has a enough control on IPv4 access.
(See Erik Nordmark's email on the matter)

The choice of the mode of operation (registered vs non registered) would then be
completely controlled by the ISP.

Would this be an acceptable solution?

- Alain.